

Put Your OpenAI Assistant on Your Website

Enhance your website with AI power - for free! Add your OpenAI assistant to your site in just a few clicks.

We never store your API key. It's used only to fetch and import your assistants. Your key must have read access to assistants and files if your assistant uses files

Why Add Your OpenAI Assistant to Your Website?

✅ Enhance user experience with AI-powered assistance

✅ Provide instant, 24/7 support to your visitors

✅ Showcase your expertise through a custom AI assistant

✅ Increase engagement and time spent on your site

✅ Completely free to use - just bring your OpenAI API key!


Agenthost is to best place to host your OpenAI assistants

From hosting your OpenAI assistants to connecting them to over 6000+ other apps, Agenthost is the best place for you to create and discover useful agents.


Trusted by teams at


Create, train and monetize useful AI Agents

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